Railroad officials love to shout, “Danger! Danger!” whenever anyone has the nerve to even suggest that bike and pedestrian trails can be located next to active rail lines.
I couldn’t help but chuckle when I came across the Portland Family Adventures website showing a family of three, (Dad leading the charge on his bike, Mom looking a bit unsteady on her roller-blades and a little girl of three or four on tiny little pink bike in between)) riding on the Springwater Trail in Portland, Oregon, perhaps fifteen feet from a railroad track.
Shouldn't someone call Portland’s Social Service Department and report these irresponsible parents?
According to the website, the Spring water Corridor Trail is, “one of the best and most accessible bike paths within a short distance from downtown Portland.”
Don't we, in fact, need more corridors like the Springwater Trail for families to get some exercise and fresh air as they enjoy their time together? Perhaps we shousuggest more families go out for a ride, roll or walk along a trail, bike path or heaven-forbid, one of those crazy, scary rails-with-trails.